Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We finally did it!

We signed the lease and are ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work.  We've been talking about this for years and an opportunity came around that was too good to pass up.

Here is our "Humble" little place.  Small but a great place to start.

Red Palette Art Center

We plan on having the Red Palette Gallery in the front portion of the building where you can come enjoy and purchase art.  Have a cup of coffee and hang out.

In the other portion of the building will be the Red Palette Art Center.  We will hold painting classes, Workshops, Painting events/parties and receptions.

 We plan on having an Artist of the Month and many more events to announce along the way.

Our area had a great need for a place like this and have felt the urge to fill it for several years now.  We want it to be a comfortable place to hang out and to come create, enjoy and learn about art.

We will chronicle the process of getting our place ready on this blog, so check in from time to time to see the evolutions of the Red Palette Art Center and Gallery.  Before you know it we will be having our Grand Opening.